Equipment Capability & Development

We offer expert advice and support covering all aspects of equipment capability and assessment.

To deliver solutions uniquely tailored to your specific goals, we adopt a collaborative approach and act as a seamless extension to your own operations and resources.

We also draw on hard-won expertise honed through years of experience gained working across multiple projects requiring test and evaluation, capability management, delivery and development, and defence innovation.

We can provide continuity, experience and technical knowledge that supports your requirements in areas including requirements capture, down-selection, concept of use and test and acceptance.

Throughout any project, our focus remains clear. To ensure your team benefit from equipment of a standard that we would be comfortable and happy to use ourselves.

Our capabilities

To best address the needs of our clients, we assemble bespoke teams with complementary skills and expertise. These teams can include:

  • Experienced test and evaluation aircrew and engineers

  • Capability development and requirement experts

  • Chartered managers

  • Chartered engineers

  • Engineering and business postgraduates.

A proven track record

VuDu Engineering has led or supported recent projects focused on: